GMRS Information and repeater

I will be adding more things to this page, but for now I want to list our local GMRS Repeater that is a part of the Buffalo Group. The repeater is on 462.725, and the DTCS is 265 on the input. The repeater is maintained by some of your group and you are welcome to use the system. The same rules apply to this repeater as does any Ham Repeater.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Dana, Keith or Tony. If you would like your gmrs call to be added to the list, please send me an email at [email protected] or let Keith, Tony or myself know.


GMRS Calls

Dana Fouss WRDU541 Admin

Keith Page WRDY374 Admin

Tony Sampson WREX350 Admin

Joe Wigal WRQK460

Dave Knepshield WRTJ793

Terry Burner WRWS208

Mike Mills WRZJ560

James McComas WRNM516

Scott Lontz WRZR686

Jim Spragg WSAC225

Mike Howell WSAG487

Fabian WRON811

GMRS Nets & Repeater

462.575 141.3 First Sunday 8 PM